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Hair Transplant in Dubai For 1 Dirham

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Hair Transplant In Dubai For 1 Dirham

Hair Transplant in Dubai For 1 Dirham

Do you know that the thick healthy hair which you were desiring for is only a step away? Yes! By receiving the Hair Transplant In Dubai For 1 Dirham you can say goodbye to your baldness and hair thinning. The whole treatment is done under local anesthesia. Your self-esteem and confidence will get a boost by the procedure. Getting treatment for one dirham per hair is a reasonable way that will allow a person to grab the treatment easily. For further clarification about this fantastic offer, you need to read the page written below. 

What is a Hair Transplant?

A surgical process to restore the hairline of a person. This is done by transferring hair follicles from one part of the scalp to the other side of the scalp. Anesthesia is utilized to perform the procedure. After the treatment, the hair starts growing in a normal way and within a year the hair looks properly grown. Whenever you are going for a hair treatment you need to consult a skilled doctor. 

The main techniques that are used to perform the hair transplant are the FUE and FUT. Both procedures perform the same task and give mesmerizing benefits. 

One Dirham Hair Transplant:

We are happy that we are offering one dirham hair transplant in our clinic in which you will be charged one dirham for a transplant of one hair follicle. In general, the cost of a hair transplant starts from AED 6000 in Dubai. But for our dear customers, we have designed a treatment that is comparably reasonable. The outcomes of the treatment are compatible with other hair procedures.  Normally, a patient needs only 3000 to 4000 hair grafts. So the total price of the treatment becomes AED 3000 to AED 4000

The treatment is done by using all the modern tactics and techniques. 

Results of the Treatment:

With this hair transplant, the hairline of the scalp gets restored from the areas that are thin and bald. The overall effects of the treatment get visible in a few months. Also, the results can vary depending on the type of procedure that has been done. 

The hair looks natural and remains there for a long time. For permanent and better results patients need to follow proper pre and aftercare. 

What are the Benefits?

When we are done with the treatment we receive the following benefits:

  • The appearance of a person improves when the balding and thinning process stops
  • Confidence and self-esteem of a person increase
  • Results gained by the process are specific to the persona and remain there for a long time period
  • You will get a natural-looking outcome
  • A reasonable procedure with effective results

Why Prefer One Dirham Hair Transplant?

With this treatment, it has become a safe option for people in terms of money. People who are not sure about the success rate of their treatment should opt for the treatment. 

Instead of paying heavy prices for the hair transplants, an individual should opt for this affordable treatment. 

People with less budget can go for the procedure. Even people who have finances to pay for the treatment can save their money by availing of this offer and can spend that money on other means. 

When you are bald and have a loss of hair then you need to receive this hair transplant.

Consultation with a Doctor:

When you are obtaining a Hair Transplant In Dubai For 1 Dirham does not mean that the price will be stick to that one dirham. Depending on the condition of the patient, the price for that treatment can vary. 

That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor before going for a procedure. Your doctor will tell you about your condition and the treatment after proper analysis. In that consultation, your doctor will analyze how many grafts you need for your treatment. Also, the sensitivity of the patient scalp is observed in your first appointment after this, your doctor guides you for a suitable hair procedure.

What is the After Care?

When done with the hair transplant a patient needs the following care:

  • After the treatment, your scalp become sensitive so you should avoid sunlight
  • Do not get involved in heavy exercises as they can cause sweating 
  • Avoid scratching your scalp 
  • Try to use medications prescribed by the doctors only
  • Eat healthy food after the procedure to gain the essential nutrients

When a patient follows all the care as guided by the doctor, the outcomes of the treatment become permanent and more prolonged.

Bottom Line!

People who want to receive the treatment should consider talking with the doctor prior to the procedure because sometimes the outcomes are not according to the patient’s expectations because the procedures are not according to patients. Our doctors know how to tackle hair procedures both invasive and non-invasive one. People who want to get this Hair Transplant In Dubai For 1 Dirham should fill out the form that is present below!

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