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Hair Implants Dubai

Hair Implants Dubai
Hair Implants in Dubai

Hair Implants!

Hair Implants in Dubai are also recognized as Hair Transplants, a permanent solution to treat hair loss or baldness. The procedure for hair loss is a systematic approach to sort out the issue of baldness and issues related to hair fall that are mostly caused due to genetics, age, stress, chemotherapy, or any other reason. FUE- Follicular Unit Extraction in Dubai is one of the most trusted, recognized, and unique methods for the implantation of hair. 

A Little More:

We all know that every individual is different and unique, and so does their hair loss. Thus, our expert surgeons at Cosmo Health Wellness Clinic customize the hair loss treatment plan according to the age, gender, area of hair loss, and design including the budget.

As the hair of the individual begins to grow bald & sparse, a hair transplant Dubai is the best way to fill those sites. Additionally, the best part of the method is that it’s your own hair that is utilized in implantation.

Quick Facts:

  • No trouble after the treatment.
  • No maintenance is essential.
  • Natural-looking and undetectable results.
  • Continuously growing hair that should last permanently.
  • Delivers the natural characteristics of your original hair.

Expected Results:

There are many candidates who observe the outcomes between 6 to 8 months after the procedure. Whereas, a few candidates will notice the results after 10 to 12 months. Anyhow, it is essential to know that between 15 to 30 days after the method, the hair transplanted will begin to fall out. This is normal, and slowly the hair will begin to grow back again.

Benefits & Risks:

We are all aware of the fact that there are several benefits & a few risks that are affiliated with the treatment and so as with this treatment. The benefits and risks are as follows:

The Benefits:

  • Safe and Effective: Severe protocols are used for all procedures & at all levels to ensure 100% safety.
  • Natural Result: Full control of the depth, the tendency & the angle of arrangement provides optimal natural results.
  • Painless: For extraction and placement, tiny tools are utilized for creating small cuts.
  • Growth for Lifetime: Only healthy hair follicles are chosen and implanted in the scalp.

A Few Risks:

  • Soreness. 
  • Puffiness.
  • Bruising.
  • Discomfort.
  • Minimal pain.
  • Minimal scarring.


Cost for the Hair Implants in Dubai is from AED 6499 to AED 13,499. Your doctor will tell you the price of the procedure after your first consultation after analyzing the number of grafts needed to be implanted. 

You can touch your hair anytime after the process. But it is advised to touch your scalp softly because your scalp gets weak after the implantation. 8-14 days are required for a full recovery. 

In the first week, you may feel numbness, redness, and swelling. The intensity of these side effects is low and after 1 to 2 days, they will subside. 

A patient should sleep on the back so the face is upward. Do not sleep on your stomach as it can apply pressure on the treated area and can cause swelling. 

Candidates Criteria: 

As per the surgeons at Cosmo Health Wellness Clinic, the following are mentioned criteria for the candidates who are best for the treatment.

  • Observing thinning hair.
  • Have sufficient hair loss.
  • Have enough donor’s hair.
  • Not happy with the appearance.
  • The client must have stable health.
  • The client is not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Preparation Advice:

Below are mentioned the preparation advice that the candidate is required to follow prior to the procedure.

  • Prevent smoking.
  • Do not cut your hair.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid taking thinners of blood.
  • Refrain from using products. 

FUE Hair Implants Procedure: 

The expert in the treatment will evaluate the site and the issue leading to baldness & hair fall

in the initial meeting with the candidate and plan the treatment accordingly to deliver a natural, denser, and volumized look. 

In the FUE procedure, each unit of follicular is uprooted independently from the scalp without any removal of the tissue strip.

  • Prior to the method, the expert of the treatment will apply anesthesia to the site of extraction & implantation in order to make it free of pain.
  • The surgeon will shave the site of extraction, which is mostly from the back of the head and near the site of implantation.
  • The follicles will be eliminated from the skin by utilizing a micro punch tool.
  • After that, the surgeon will make tiny cuts in the site of implantation by using a needle or any other sharp and pointed tool to insert the follicles that were taken out.
  • At the end of the treatment, the surgeon will clean the scalp and bandage the site for recovery.

Aftercare Advice: 

The process of FUE Hair Implants takes about 4 to 8 hours, varying on the requirements of the implanted follicles & the dimension of the recipient area. The procedure consumes some time due to the placement of follicles which is the key to a naturally appearing outcome. 

However, below are mentioned a few essential instructions that are required to follow to attain effective and optimal outcomes.

  • Take off from work.
  • Prevent drinking and smoking.
  • Do not comb your new hair for 20 days.
  • Do not perform strenuous activities for 7 days.
  • Refrain from washing your hair for a few days.
  • Utilize a soft shampoo that is unscented for some weeks.

Hair Implants Cost: 

The standard Hair Transplant Cost at Cosmo Health Wellness Clinic varies from AED 6500 to AED 13,500. But this is not the fixed cost as there are some other elements that will impact the price of the procedure and thus it will be decided at the initial meeting with the hair implant surgeon.

Elements Impacting the Price:

  • Hair required.
  • Safety protocols.
  • Appealing results.
  • Utilization of tools & instruments.
  • The skills of the surgeon.
  • The location & name of the clinic.

Get Rid of Hair Loss by Contacting Us Right Now!

To attain the best process of Hair Implants in Dubai and learn more about your concerns, book an appointment with us and sort out all your concerns as we have trained and qualified surgeons who guarantee to provide you with the best and the most effective outcome.