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Scarless Hair Transplant Dubai

Scarless Hair Transplant Dubai
Scarless Hair Transplant in Dubai

People think that with the hair transplant they will get scars that will be visible and will affect their appearance. But that’s not the case in every situation. You can receive a hair transplant Dubai without getting any signs of hair transplant through the Scarless Hair Transplant in Dubai this treatment is best for people who do not want to show people that they have undergone a hair transplant. With the treatment the natural hairline is yours!

What is Scarless Hair Transplant?

The treatment is in which the hair strands are individually taken from the back of the scalp and then implanted into the targeted area. The process is also called FUE transplant. This procedure does not involve any scalp removal instead follicles are withdrawn without even making an incision. The process takes time to get completed but the results of the process are worth it. The price of the treatment is also affordable. 

Is Fue Scarless?

Yes, FUE is termed as a scarless treatment because with this treatment the patient does not get any scars. The scars obtained by the FUT procedure are large enough to be visible. But with this treatment, you can do haircuts according to your desires as the hair follicles are taken with the help of small incisions. 

The accuracy of the withdrawal process of hair from the donor area depends on the techniques of the doctor too. It plays an important part in giving the scars or not. 

Results of the Treatment:

After the procedure, the patient’s own hair follicles start growing. The transplanted hair will fall away after 6 to 8 weeks. The outcomes will properly appear after a year of transplantation. The failure rate of the procedure is around 2 percent in ideal clinics which is otherwise 30%. The outcome of the procedure is permanent. 

What are the Benefits of a Scarless Hair Transplant?

The advantages that are obtained by this procedure are the ones present below;

  • The growth of hair is for long terms
  • Appearance enhanced visibility
  • Natural hair look will be formed 
  • More confidence level
  • Fewer scars formation
  • Can make hairstyles of your desires
  • No baldness

Who is an Ideal Candidate?

For being an ideal candidate for the treatment you should have the following characteristics:

  • You have a good physical and mental health
  •  When you are over 18 
  • The hair loss has stopped
  • Have a realistic approach to the treatment
  • Want smooth and natural hair
  • You can get a hair transplant for eyebrows, beard, and eyelashes too


The cost of a Scarless Hair Transplant range between AED 6000 and AED 6999. The price fluctuates because of the number of hair grafts that are needed for a particular patient. 

The results of the process start getting visible within 4 to 6 weeks. To see the proper and authentic outcomes a patient needs to wait for up to 8 weeks. Although the results vary with the patient’s fitness. 

No, a scarless hair transplant is a pain-free treatment as it is done under the effect of anesthesia which makes the area numb. Patients can feel a little discomfort and pain after the procedure.

After a hair transplant, a patient should avoid smoking, alcohol, and swimming. Doing heavy exercises after the process is not allowed as it can apply pressure on the scalp. 


A patient needs to follow these instructions before the procedure so that the process can be smooth. The precautions that which patient needs to follow are as follows:

  • Do not take coffee and cigarettes for almost 2 days
  • Avoid drinking alcohol 2 weeks before the treatment
  • You should not use any blood thinners and medicines without a doctor’s consultation
  • Wash your hair with a shampoo and use conditioner 
  • Do not go for a haircut

Procedure Details:

To know about the Scarless Hair Transplant in Dubai you need to read the following steps:

Marking of the Recipient Area:

First of all, the doctor will do markings for the area where the baldness is present to make sure about the insertion process. 


After that, your head will be shaved so that you can get through the process. With shaving, your scalp will be properly visible to the surgeons. 

Withdrawal of Hair Follicles:

Now the doctor will take the follicles from the donor area with the help of special tools one by one and then these collected follicles are prepared. 

Preparation of Hair Grafts:

The preparation phase of the follicles is done by the doctors at the same time in which the follicles are cleaned and washed so that they can be inserted in the right place.

Application of Anesthesia:

Then the doctor will apply anesthesia to the scalp of the patient so that they can not feel any pain. 

Implantation of Donor Follicles:

After that, the hair follicles which were taken will be inserted into the recipient area with special tools. 

Ointment application on Donor Region:

When the process is completed, the doctor will apply some ointment on the donor region so that the patient can recover.

What is the After Care?

There are a few care steps that a patient needs to follow to get healed quickly. Also, to maintain the outcomes of the procedure. These are mentioned below:

  • Do not smoke after the treatment as it can cause a delay in the healing process. 
  • Get involved in hard and sports activities after 3 to 4 days
  • Avoid touching the treated sites after the treatment
  • Sleep in a way that is comfortable
  • Swelling and pain can occur once the treatment is done but you do not need to panic


The cost of the Scarless Hair Transplant in Dubai initiates from AED 7000. There are many factors that decide the final price of the treatment. These are the condition of the patient like how much is baldness. Also, the expertise of the doctor and the clinic at which the patient is going.

Why Cosmo Health Clinic?

By this treatment in Cosmo Health Clinic, you will receive treatment at a reasonable price and no one will know that you had undergone a hair transplant. To get treated by us and to achieve a perfect hairline you just need to fill in the form that is present below and you’ll l be connected with our team.