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5000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai

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50000 graft hair transplant

5000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai

A Hair Transplant is the answer to thinning & Balding!

Restore your hair naturally!

Are you appealing to restore your hair, self-confidence, and self-esteem? Then get this natural procedure that might be completely undetectable. But wait for a second, opting for the right surgeon with the right skills is critical. Read the blog and get treatment from our proficient experts who are well-qualified and experienced to deliver you the best and the most effective treatment that you have been appealing for for a long time!

Undetectable Hair Transplant!

A Hair transplant is a common process among individuals who are suffering from severe hair loss. This method of hair loss treatment includes the elimination of healthy hair grafts from usually the back of the scalp and transplanting it to the site of hair thinning or baldness. However, both treatments of FUE and FUT are perfect for 5000 grafts hair transplants. Prior to the method, it is essential to learn about the most affordable 5000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai and book us right away!

Everything You Need to Know:

The requirement for hair grafts is variable depending on the extent of your hair loss and the appealing hair density. For an average hair transplant Dubai procedure about 3000 hair grafts are utilized, but in a few cases, the candidate might require more hair grafts. For such cases, 5000 grafts of hair transplant might be advised, so if you are the one having a wide bald area or appealing to volumize the hair density then consider the following treatment.

What are the Expected Results?

For candidates who are observing baldness, a hair transplant is the best solution for them. The procedure is not only safe but also a permanent way to treat your baldness. However, the process is minimally invasive in which a few steps will be carried out to deliver the desired outcome that our valuable clients have been appealing for.

What is the Process?

The process begins with a meeting with the hair expert at Cosmo Health Wellness Clinic to determine the treatment method and evaluate the severity of the scalp. Generally, the method of FUE is utilized, the steps are as follows:

  1. The site of extraction is shaved, cleansed, and then anesthesia is applied.
  2. Grafts of hair are then extracted with a punch tool.
  3. Tiny cuts are created in the treatment area.
  4. Hair grafts are implanted into the recipient area carefully.

Are there any Benefits?

There are numerous benefits of hair transplant, a few of which are mentioned below.

  • Volumized hair.
  • Natural results.
  • Recovery is fast.
  • Small wound.
  • High success rate.
  • Minimal pain & scars.
  • Fuller & desired hair.
  • Low maintenance.
  • Increase in confidence.
  • Better aesthetic look.
  • No more bald spots.
  • A permanent solution.

What is the Cost of a Hair Transplant in Dubai?

The Best Hair Transplant in Dubai Cost ranges from AED 18,550 to AED 30,550. But this is not the fixed cost as there are various other components that will impact the price of the treatment and therefore the actual cost will be determined at the initial meeting with the expert of the treatment.

What are the Influencing Factors of Cost:

  • The intensity of baldness.
  • Hair required to transfer.
  • Type of process.
  • The quantity of operation.
  • Process of diagnosis.
  • Desired outcome.
  • Proficiency of the surgeon.
  • The reputation of the clinic.
  • Facilities utilized.

A Word from Our Surgeons!

Attain an affordable 5000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai by consulting with our experts, if you have any further queries about the method and available offers book us right away! We offer the best techniques and guaranteed outcomes. Allow our experts to help you in attaining your objectives at the minimum possible cost. Hurry up!

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