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4000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai

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4000 Graft Hair Transplant

4000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai

Loss of Hair!

If you are appealing to learn about the 4000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai, then keep reading the complete blog for more information as the cost varies from individual to individual. Numerous individuals are there who are going through the issue of baldness and thus are affected by it as well. The loss of hair completely changes the personality of the individual and makes it difficult for them to confidently be social. 

However, loss of hair is a recurring disorder & so it acquires a systematic and effective approach. The method is a cost-effective and permanent solution for our valuable clients and most importantly a systematic approach to sorting out baldness & issues related to hair fall.

What are the 3 Essential Aspects of a Hair Transplant?

The transplant is considered effective & successful as it delivers natural aesthetic looks. Additionally, for a natural outcome, 3 aspects are very essential:

  • Design.
  • Direction.
  • Density.

What are the Causes of Hair Fall?

Below are quoted the reasons for hair fall.

  • Stress.
  • Trauma. 
  • Genetics.
  • Hypothyroid. 
  • Severe illness.
  • Chemotherapy. 
  • Deficiency of iron

What are the Results?

At Cosmo Health Wellness Clinic, our surgeons guarantee results that are 100% natural &  permanent for each of our cases. Variable on the extraction area of the scalp, our qualified and experienced practitioners tailors and plans the complete surgery to deliver satisfactory and effective results.

How Is the Process Carried Out?

Prior to the method, the expert of the treatment will apply anesthesia to the site of extraction and implantation to make it free of pain and to make the candidate comfortable. After that, the surgeon will extract hair from the donor site, which is mostly from the back of the head, and then implanted it in the desirable area.

What is the Hair Transplant Cost?

The estimated cost of the method is around AED 15000. But this is not the specified cost as there are other components that will affect the price and thus the real price will be known at the initial meeting with the Hair Transplant Surgeon.

Factors of Cost:

Below are mentioned the factors that will impact the price of the treatment.

  • The surgery of a hair transplant Dubai is a factor that influences the total cost. The requirement of sessions for FUT and FUE Hair Transplants is not identical in every case. 
  • The expertise of the doctor & the location where the process is going to be carried out will impact the price of the treatment. In urban areas, the cost will be a bit higher in comparison with the rural areas. 
  • The cost of the method will be influenced by the selection of anesthesia, whether it is local or general. 
  • The number of grafts will impact the real price of the treatment, as an increase in the grafts required will increase the price as well.

The Affordable Treatment!

After learning about the 4000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai, stop wasting your time we are waiting to be your helping hand and to deliver the most cost-effective treatment. For further queries, consult with our experts and have the amazing treatment that you have been seeking for a long time to treat baldness.

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