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Direct Hair Implants Dubai

Direct Hair Implants Dubai
Direct Hair Implants in Dubai

By the age of 50 more than 85% of people start losing hair thickness which affects them in long term causing baldness. This effect their appearance as well as their confidence. For helping people in this regard, there are many treatments available. Depending on the individual need different techniques are used. This Direct Hair Implants in Dubai is a modern version of FUE and is perfect for people who want a scarless treatment. It does not cost you much and after getting the treatment you will know that this treatment is worth it!

What is DHI ( Direct Hair Implants)?

This is a technique of direct implantation of hair follicles in the bald scalp area without making incisions. It works on the same phenomena as FUE. A specific DHI tool is used to insert the withdrawn follicles. Follicles are taken one by one as in the case of FUE. The results of the treatment are 100%. Surviving rates of the procedure are more. Technique gives the best results when done by an expert surgeon. So you should choose an expert surgeon for this. 

Results of the Treatment:

As it works on the natural process, the outcomes of the treatment are not instant. The results start getting visible after 6 months. Within a year, your hair growth on the bald area will be normal too like other hair. You will get permanent treatment and the results will last longer.
before & after direct hair implant dubai Direct Hair Implant Dubai before & after direct hair implants in dubai before & after


The advantages that can be achieved by the process are the ones presented below:

  • The process takes less time to get completed
  • Surviving and success ratio is high than in other procedures
  • Hair follicles are placed more easily and accurately by the DHI tools
  • You do not need to shave your scalp
  • The process does not cause bleeding
  • Hair grows now are healthy and strong

Who Should Opt for the Procedure?

A person who wants to go for Hair Implants in Dubai becomes the perfect candidate when has the following characteristics;

  • The type of the patient scalp and the condition of the hair plays an important part in making you the perfect candidate
  • People with thick and straight hair
  • Individuals who want to gain confidence
  • Have a realistic approach to the treatment 


Before opting for the treatment you need to follow the below-mentioned precautions as these will help in getting the desired results. 

  • Do not take any medicine for which your doctor has not permitted
  • Do not be an alcoholic or a smoker for at least a week before the treatment
  • Avoid having caffeine and nicotine in any shape
  • Avoid taking blood thinners

Some medical tests are done prior to the procedure as to confirm the internal strength of the patient. The doctor also does prepare the tools and devices needed to do the process on the day of the procedure. 


The charges for Direct Hair Implants in Dubai vary from AED 6,950 to AED 11,950. However, the real charges will be decided at the initial meeting with the Hair Surgeon as there are some influencing factors of cost.

The results of DHI are permanent. In addition, the implanted hair will continue to grow for a lifetime.

In comparison to other hair transplant procedures, DHI hair transplant is not at all painful. Three days after the procedure, the candidate can feel some slight pain for which the Dermatologist will prescribe medication.

No, it is possible to transplant and let black & grey hair grow naturally.

DHI recovery times are typically quicker. Candidates should expect some swelling and redness in the treated area, but this should go away in a few days. Within 7 to 14 days, the candidates can get back to their daily chores.

How the Process is Carried Out?

After preparing all the important stuff. The doctor carries out the process by starting with the anesthesia and the further details are as follows:

Anesthesia Application:

First of all, the doctor applied anesthesia to the patient scalp in order to make the area numb. So that the patient does not feel any pain. The injections are used for inserting the anesthesia. When the scalp is totally numb now the doctor goes for the next step.

Selection of Donor Area:

Selection of the donor area is an essential part of the process. The doctor first selects the area from where the hair follicles need to be removed. After selection, here comes the withdrawal. 

Extraction of hair follicles:

Then the doctor withdraws the hair from the scalp one by one without causing any scars. The device used to do the extraction is about 1mm in diameter. 


Finally, the step which makes it different from simple FUE is the direct implantation into the scalp. Rather than creating incisions, the doctor inserts the hair follicles into the scalp with the help of special DHI implantation instruments. 

What is the After Care?

Once the treatment is done, the individual needs to do the following care in order to maintain the outcomes:

  • Sleep in a way that  your head is in an upward manner and your pillow is soft
  • Do not touch the treated area often
  • Eliminate heavy exercises for some days
  • Avoid exposing the scalp to the sun
  • Do not lift heavy weights
  • Use medicated shampoos


The cost for Direct Hair Implants in Dubai ranges from AED 7000 to AED 11999. There are many factors that decide about the cost of the procedure. These are the ones present below:

  • Location of the clinic
  • Services present at the clinic
  • Sessions required 
  • Condition of the patient
  • The demand of the doctor

Now it’s a No to Baldness!

With Cosmo Health Clinic it has become possible to permanently eliminate your hair loss issues. We have professionals who are carrying out these hair transplant procedures for several years and have made their success history. We are known to everyone in Dubai. You can also get the perfect charms for the hair procedures by ust visiting our clinic and meeting our professionals. 

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